Rabu, 29 April 2009

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Portraiture is a Photoshop plugin that eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by- pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. It intelligently smoothens and removes imperfections while preserving skin texture and other important portrait details such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc.

Portraiture features a powerful masking tool that enables selective smoothening only in the skin tone areas of the image. What makes Portraiture?s masking tool truly unique is its built-in Auto-Mask feature. It helps you quickly discover most of the skin tone range of the image automatically and, if preferred, you can manually fine-tune it to ensure optimal results, providing unmatched precision and productivity.

Portrait2B2003 <--- download here

Using the technique Morphing (processing of images based on morphology of objects) Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.00 can transform your images and photographs with magnificent effect.
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.00 can, for example, a sequence of photos of a person from childhood to adulthood, it will become a seamless transition, or change the image of a person to that of an animal, a flower , And much more!.
The all-in-one Animation Suite includes:
Morpheus Photo Morpher v3.10
Warped Morpheus Photo v3.10
Morpheus Photo Mixer v3.10
The 15 sample morphs, warps, and mixes
Easy to use wizard to help you get started, in addition to all the samples to play with ogram
Morphing an infinite number of images from one to another
A top assistant to send your animations directly to Morpheus Galleries, YouTube or Photobucket
Sharing animations with friends and family without problems with email built-in function
A completely redesigned program with an incredible new interface to work on multiple images
A lighting-fast rendering engine for previewing morphs of the right to play with them inside the program
Photo D?ttingen process with changing colors, shapes and sizes for creating top quality morphs
Rendering morphs into a variety of popular formats including Flash SWF and Animated GIF
Exporters morphing still frames in formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and more
Generation of the web page of the sample provided for each html file
Save your designs as you work in a portable XML format
Using the zoom at any level of precision point, as well as the placement of large images morphing
A time window to quickly see a thumbnail of each table in your morph
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite v3.10
He added the new assistant to bear the integration Morpheus Galleries, YouTube, and Photobucket 2007 style skin Improved compatibility Vista
Other minor bug fixes
Bring images to life!
Morph, Warp Mix & photos!

Morpheus.Photo.Animation.Suite.v3.1.0 <--- download here

MakeUp Pilot is a portrait software that allows you to apply makeup directly onto your photos. Don't be upset if your skin doesn't look perfect on a photo. If you have the MakeUp Pilot program, it means you have a cosmetic kit built into your computer. Use it to retouch any spots on the skin (moles, warts, pimples, heat-spots, etc.). The program will make any photo into a perfect portrait to send to friends or save in the family album. With this makeup software you'll be able to make your pictures look even better than they do!

Makeup_Pilot_3.23_Portable <--- download here

The latest release from Reallusion, FaceFilter Studio, includes many
powerfully smart features making FaceFilter Studio an indispensable
must have photo editor for both novice & advanced users.

Utilizing Reallusion's fully automated 3D facial mapping
technology, FaceFilter Studio now not only has the ability to change
and enhance facial expressions, but also offers new features including:
muscle based morphing; editable facial mask; skin filtration; smart
color correction; 1-click red eye removal and instant photo-sticker

FaceFilter Studio has the ability to truly deliver perfect photos by
enabling anyone to enhance expressions, remove common skin blemishes,
smooth wrinkles, sharpen and improve facial structure, correct color
balance and more.

:: The powerful image color correction function, Smart Portrait,
auto-detects human face and skin color to create vibrant colorful
photos from imperfectly lit images such as over/under exposed, taken
with a low quality camera or washed due to backlighting.

:: Red-eye often seen in flash photography due to reflection of the
retina can quickly and easily be removed with a single click with the
new function of automatic red-eye reduction.
This new function can simultaneously find red eyes on multiple faces of
your photos. Also it is easy to change eye color to any color you

Imagenomic Portraiture 2.2006 is a Adobe Photoshop CS2/CS3/CS4(32 bit), Elements 4/5/6* (including Mac and Windows) Plug-in that eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by- pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. It intelligently smoothens and removes imperfections while preserving skin texture and other important portrait details such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc.

More than jast a face-lift
Portraiture 2 not only looks different, it features plenty of improvements under the surface as well:
* Multiprocessor support for maximum retouching speed and workflow performance
* Enhanced skin masking control that isolates adjustments to just the skin mask, in addition to global adjustments.
* Preset power and the flexibility to create, capture and share custom settings with the new Preset Manager
* New Preference Settings, including customizable latitude adjustments for mask defaults, and User Interface skins and image display preferences
* Auto-updating feature so you always have the latest updates from Imagenomic

Neat Image is an image filter to reduce noise and grain in photographic images produced by digital cameras and scanners.
Neat Image is indispensable in low-light (indoors, night, no-flash, astro) and high-speed (sport, action, children) photography.

Neat Image provides the most accurate noise reduction currently available

Neat Image efficiently reduces noise of the following types:
high ISO noise in digital camera images
film grain in scanned film and prints
JPEG artifacts and more...

key = http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dkxwtdn_39cvdw3xfx

Neat Image Pro Plus v6.0 <--- download here

Photoshop works with recent editions, the elements or the new CS3. FaceShop is two plug-ins in a box: FS2 works with all recent versions of Photoshop in 2D. Select side to be processed, go to two-step process, as shown above, spinning and hitting the side finished in a new layer of Photoshop. Easy. FS3 also works with the new 3D layer of Photoshop CS3. If you work with CS3, you can paste directly from a real 3D head with texture mapping 3D layer of Photoshop - rotate live in Photoshop until they are committed to turning his face into a 2D element.

FaceShop - its next Photoshop plug-in


- Import any JPEG, TIF, GIF, BMP or PCX image
- Create or use templates 3D
- Choose from templates included (Victoria4 or Michael3)
- Import any other figure who has
- Works with a single photograph
- Intuitive on the screen shows you the acceleration points to select
- It automatically changes the position of the 3D template to match your photo
- Change the shape and proportion of their grids to those in the photograph
- Applies high-resolution textures to the new form of route
- Choose the line between art and photo type of preview
- Unique "mirror" feature that allows you to reflect a portion of the face to the other (in case the other side is well hidden in the shadows or similar).
- Furthermore, all of the following:
- Make corrections if necessary
- Draw a few lines, as the eyes and mouth to establish the proportions of their model.
- Intuitive on the screen shows you how fast and where to call.
- The program lets you choose different pen sizes to better application characteristics.
- To see more features, FaceShop lets you choose the line between art and photo type of preview.
- With its unique "mirror" feature that can reflect one side of the face to the other (in case the other side is well hidden in the shadows or similar).
- If you have to adjust the forms, the Back button lets you make corrections.
- Save or export your head in 3D
- Project can be saved for later work
- Export of projects such as OBJ with complete texture map

key : apadanagroup

Beauty Pilot allows you to bring out the beauty in women's portraits taken with a digital camera. Our sophisticated software is so easy to use that it needs no explanation regarding its user interface. Only a gentle touch is required to erase a skin imperfection on a photo: moles, warts, pimples, heat-spots, etc.

Beauty_1_.Pilot.2.0.2 <--- download here

350 top-notch filter effects, combined in one single Photoshop compatible plug-in. We bet: this is probably the only 3rd party plug-in you ever need.

By utilizing an integerated filter database and an easy to use interface, Filters Unlimited reaches a new dimension in the world of graphics plug-ins. Combined with Photoshop Actions you can get incredible, really unlimited effects.

Comes with more than 350 great built-in filters. And you can add more than 2,000 filters for free in just a few minutes by following our links.

Filters Unlimited is also a complete filter development system. Build your own filter effects in minutes - it's as easy as using a pocket calculator.

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